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Ardagh Group receive B level rating from the Carbon Disclosure Project

Published: February 5, 2019

The Carbon Disclosure Project is a global environmental impact non-profit that drives companies and governments to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions, safeguard water resources and protect forests. CDP has established a reporting and evaluation system on climate-related topics and over 7,000 companies disclosed environmental data through CDP in 2018.

Ardagh Group has worked with CDP since 2011 and many of our customers also work with them as they, in turn, require specific emission data for their respective footprints. Ardagh received a B-level rating based on our 2018 data for CDP’s climate change and water questionnaires. This equates to an improvement on the previous year for climate change and with also a slight improvement on our rating for water.

The climate change questionnaire addresses the management of climate change topics, especially CO2 emissions. It requires an evaluation of climate change-related risks and opportunities as well as programmes to mitigate risks. The water questionnaire addresses similar categories for water. Environmental performance as part of an overall sustainability strategy has become increasingly important for Ardagh’s customers.

“Working with CDP enables us to shares climate and water data with our customers whilst equipping us to respond to regulatory and policy changes in our industry,” said Annelene Ikemann, Ardagh Group CSR & Sustainability Manager. “The improvement in our climate change score and maintenance of our good rating for water underlines Ardagh’s continuous commitment towards environmental issues and management. The submission of the CDP questionnaire is one of our key tasks each year. Our CDP results show that the work and efforts by our team are invaluable, not just for Ardagh but for our customers.”

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